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Transcending Boundaries for the Next New Normal

Current status of AMJ
As I write this Editorial, AMJ continues its strong trajectory with a current CiteScore at an all-time high of 5.7. This is an increase of 46% from 2020 (3.9) and 111% increase since 2019. Part of this is due to our great team of reviewers and associate editors, who are now turning manuscripts around in 4 weeks, providing quality feedback to authors in a timely fashion. Timely reviews are critical in disseminating current research and we will continue to look for ways to improve the speed and quality of feedback to best serve our authors.

This editorial introduces Issue 1, Volume 30 of AMJ in 2022. The issue contains nine contributions in total. The work published focuses on various marketing and research methodology topics including a step-by-step guide for the analysis of experiments using Bayesian methods (Wedel & Kopyakova, 2022), the role of emotions in response to corporate social irresponsibility (Septianto, 2022), brand display magnitude and brand recognition (Wang & Japutra, 2022), mixed feelings and the persuasiveness of luxury advertising (Bandyopadhyay et al., 2022), customer experience and customer engagement in service contexts (Mai Chi et al., 2022), service climate and employee brand citizenship behavior (Hoang, 2022), motives for employee eWOM on social network sites (Zhang et al., 2022), conceptualizing self-control on problematic social media use (Zahrai et al., 2022), and artificial intelligence in creative programmatic contexts (Bakpayev et al., 2022). The contributions included in this issue are authored by 23 academics across Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania. The editorial team would like to thank all reviewers for their constructive feedback that greatly improved every article in this issue.

Transcending boundaries
AMJ aims to publish rigorous research that is of relevance to marketing practice. Thus, AMJ seeks to encourage research that has relevance in research questions and rigor in conceptual development, design, and execution. In 2020 ANZMAC established a new article award for AMJ—the ANZMAC AMJ Industry Relevance Award. The purpose is to recognize and inspire industry relevant research that makes the most significant contribution to advancement of the practice of marketing, sponsored by the Australian Marketing Institute. The winning article of 2020 was: Reisman et al. (2019). Pricing in consumer digital markets: a dynamic framework. Australasian Marketing Journal, 27(3), 139–148. To our knowledge, this type of award selection process is another world first.

Continuing with relevance, AMJ is seeking out untapped-but-impactful research areas and topics that transcend boundaries and contribute to better communities. In 2021, we issued a call for papers for a “Special Issue on Re-imagining Marketing Scholarship in the era of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).” Ranjit Voola, Jamie Carlson, Fara Azmat, and Ashish Sinha served as co-editors of this special issue. We encouraged scholars and practitioners to participate in a meta-narrative of the world addressing opportunities and challenges relating to the United Nations SDGs. The special issue will be published in Issue 2 of 2022.

In 2021, we also organized a Special Section on the future of the Australasian Marketing Academy (ANZMAC), its value to stakeholders (e.g. students, industry, government, university), and the diversity, equity, health, and wellbeing of marketing academics. The call was for original research elevating diverse voices, addressing institutional pressures, and creating impact for the next new normal. Mike Reid and Lauren Gurrieri served as co-editors of this special section, which will be published in Issue 3 of 2022.

AMJ is a collaborative platform with diverse stakeholder groups working together, contributing to, and transcending a better world. Thanks to everyone for contributing to AMJ and helping it move forward.

Declaration of conflicting interest
The author declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

The author received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

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