Prosocial behaviors such as organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and customer-oriented citizenship behavior (CCB) are the social currency in socialization process, especially in the service...
This study builds on resource based view (RBV) theory by examining the effects of e-commerce on exporting performance. Specifically, a framework is developed and...
Despite the fact that prosocial motivation is related to word of mouth (WOM), few studies have been conducted to investigate the psychological and behavioral...
Recent research suggests that entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has a more complex effect on performance (i.e. non-linear instead of linear) than previously considered. We extend...
Humour in advertising is long-established, but whether such appeals travel across cultures is debatable. Two studies investigated the impact of country and individual-level cultural...
Integrating the dynamic capabilities view of the firm with ambidexterity theory, this article proposes a sense-and-respond performance framework, in which technology- and market-sensing capabilities...